This is for everyone who wants to live a healthy life and not be reliant on diets.
It is possible not to want to lose fat and still be ok with your body
It is possible to eat food and not feel like you have to be guilty or it has anything to do with your morals
It is possible to take time in a day and move in a way that you enjoy
It is also possible to not like what you look like and decide to do something about it
It is possible to like what your body looks like and still want to push and see what is possible
It is possible….insert what you want with your body here
You can do whatever you like with your body
For people like us. It is possible
While each journey to what you want is unique, each journey follows a pattern, and once you see it, it is yours.
Your system, your time, your process, your method it is all yours.
You simply need to find the courage to practice, to be more explorative, and to be patient.
To find how it works for you and your life
The thing that has been holding you back has been the need to fit in,
To exercise in a way that proves a point
to be approved and applauded even if it makes you miserable
To be as lean as possible, even if being lean means you starve
To perform that exercise even if it hurts your knees
Sometimes, you dont even know it makes you miserable until you give yourself a break and see how much you are not looking forward to eating, exercising, and living that way.
The thing that has been holding you back has been your approach to fitness.
Yes, the basics are still the same.
Drink water
Sleep better
Eat whole foods
Eat your fats
The same
But you, your life, your experience, your environment, is unique to you.
What you like, what you can afford, what your body can do, using the basics is different even for each season of your life and for everyone
But it takes practice to find your method.
it is now time to do the work;
the work is in repeating the same thing over and over and over again
That is why you have to let go of the hard,
Practicing is where the work and where the win is,.
Practicing the body you want to live in is the change you are looking for
It is possible to be in a pain-free body, agile, strong body even as you age.
You just have to practice living in that body today.
hey….i love. the beautiful work you are doing
thank you so much